I love this bag and I'm after a big bag so that I can chuck everything in. I definitely find the bigger the better where bags are concerned. I can never manage with the small pretty little ones that I see and love. This one is from Topshop.
Topshop bag - £45.00
I tried this playsuit on in Topshop the other day and fell in love with it. It doesn't look much off but it looks fantastic on and it's in the petite range so perfect for me. The only reason I didn't buy it was the price. £65!!! A bit steep but still beautiful.
Topshop playsuit - £65.00
I saw these trousers when I was in River Island the other day. I didn't try them on because I knew I'd have to buy them. They are so bright and just make me wish that it was summer already! They are beautiful!!
River Island floral cigarette pants - £35.00
I don't need a new watch but I really want a Marc Jacobs one. I have a Michael Kors rose gold watch which I generally wear everyday but I really want a chunky silver watch and this one is perfect. It looks so much nicer in real life. This picture doesn't do it justice. But I can't justify buying another expensive watch so I'm going to have to wait until my birthday comes... which is forever away it isn't until November!
Marc Jacobs Henry Silver Watch - £185.00
I hope you're all having a great Wednesday. I'm still feeling really rough. I cannot get rid of this cold. I've had it for nearly 2 weeks now :-(
The riverisland floral trousers are sooo nice I've seen them in store and they're even niceeer xx