Friday, 7 February 2014

Outfit of the Day: Daytime to Nighttime Winter Floral look #OOTD #WIWT

Today, I wanted to wear an outfit that I love.  They say if you look good, then you feel good.  I still feel terrible with this cold that won't shift.  The outfit didn't make me feel any better but I do love it!  It's bright and beautiful.  The skirt is actually shorts (so a skort) and I got it from Primark yesterday for the bargain price of £10!

Zara vest - £5.99 (sale)
Primark skort - £10.00
River Island boots - £40.00 (sale)

Primark wedges - £12.00
River Island cardigan - £15.00 (sale)

I'm loving this River Island cardigan more and more.  It just seems to go with absolutely everything.  The only thing is it's always falling off my shoulders!!  

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.  I will be visiting the latest arrival to my family, my nephew, who was born last night.  To say I'm excited is a bit of an understatement!  I was too excited to even sleep last night!  There will only be a 14 week age gap between him and my youngest!  I'm sure it will be enough to make me broody again but 2 under 2 is enough for me at the moment! xxx

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