Sunday, 2 March 2014

Bleach London Silver Shampoo & Condition and Reincarnation Mask Review

I regularly have my hair bleached and it just dulls down in no time at all.  Before using this, my hair had taken on an almost pink tone.  I have no idea why.  So anyway, I've been reading up on silver shampoos and heard good things about the Bleach London one so thought I'd give it a try.  It's 3 for 2 in Boots at the moment so I bought the Silver Shampoo, Conditioner and Reincarnation Mask.  

I think they are £5.00 each.  So I used them for the first time today and I have to say I'm really pleased with the result.  I did take pictures but now the lighting has gone, you can't really see a difference but, in real life, I definitely can.  Gone are the brassy tones that I had a lot of and it definitely looks a lot lighter.  I may try and update this tomorrow with some pictures so you can see the difference but, if you google it, you'll find a lot of before and afters anyway.

The shampoo is very, very purple!  It actually worried me slightly that I'd end up with blue/purple hair and, I think if you were to leave it on for too long, you probably would.  Blue hair is a hard enough hair colour to pull off as it is and I certainly don't even want to attempt it.

I used the hair mask first.  I just wet my hair, then applied it and left for 10-15 minutes, then rinsed off. I could instantly feel the difference.  I then proceeded to wash my hair with the shampoo and conditioner. As I wanted to see a difference, I left it on for about a minute.  It doesn't say on the bottle to leave it on but I couldn't help myself.  I always love a change.  My hair now feels brighter and lovely and soft.  

Back in October, I tried the Bleach London hair dye in Rose and I really liked it, although I soon got bored and wanted it out.  Luckily it faded quite quickly and didn't stain my hair.  Or maybe it did and that's why there is a pink tinge to it now?  Unlikely though as I recently had my hair bleached at the hairdressers.

So if you are feeling like your blonde locks are going a bit brassy and dull looking, give the Bleach London Silver Shampoo and Conditioner a go.  It's cheap and it works x

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