Wednesday, 22 January 2014

I don't wear monocrhome often? #OOTD #WIWT

For someone who isn't keen on wearing monochrome outfits, I certainly seem to be wearing that look more and more!  The reason I don't particularly like it is because black doesn't really suit me.  And I'm not entirely sure I like this outfit anyway.  I don't think I can pull off that whole over-sized look.  I'm too short!  But I've been up since 5.30am this morning so I just threw this on.  It's nice and comfortable which was my main aim today, especially as I went shopping.  I want to be wearing something nice and easy to get in and out of for when I try anything and everything on!

I only bought a couple of things today which I'll post about tomorrow maybe but I did pop into Lush.  I was thinking about getting one of those bubble bath bomb things.  The lady spent so long showing me everything that I didn't feel I had any option but to buy one!  But I'm definitely looking forward to my bath tonight with a nice glass of wine!  

Dress Link Fur gilet
Dress Link Top
New Look Leggings (old)

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